While every new parent struggles the first time they're thinking about leaving their bundle of joy with a trusted sitter for the night, you can’t — and shouldn’t — avoid an overnight or weekend getaway with your partner or friends forever.
But before you book your tickets and pack your bags, consider your baby’s feeding source: If your munchkin is under 2 months old and you’re breastfeeding, a night or two away from you might interrupt your scheduling process and make it difficult to get back on track. Got an older breastfeeding baby who is still breastfeeding? Make sure she can take a bottle before you leave her in someone else’s loving arms.
Be honest about how you’ll feel being separated from your sweetie, too. If you know you’ll spend the whole time you’re away worrying and feeling anxious, then it’s probably best to wait before leaving your baby for an extended period. The timing needs to be right for you!
When you know you can work around your feeding schedule and feel comfortable leaving your baby for a night or more, take advantage of the opportunity — whether it’s for a romantic “post-babymoon” with your partner, a business trip or just some alone time to relax and get some sleep yourself. You deserve it!
Here are a few ways to ensure your little one is safe and happy when she’s spending a night away from home:
- “Interview” your potential sitter. Of course you wouldn’t leave your child with someone who doesn’t share your basic childcare philosophies or isn’t willing to follow your rules. So talk to your sitter first: If Uncle Bob is set on letting your 4-month-old cry it out and that’s not something you're comfortable with, he may be better pet-sitting your dog instead (after all, whether you sleep train is your decision to make!).
- If possible, try to introduce baby to the new caregiver before the transition. Especially if your child has developed separation anxiety, a night away from parents can be tough. Have the sitter come for some daytime play dates so everyone can feel more comfortable before the overnight stay.
- Familiarize your sitter with your child’s bedtime routine. What is your baby’s bedtime routine, and when? A bath followed by a book and a bottle at 6 p.m.? Or lullabies and a gentle massage at 7 p.m.? Infants thrive on routine, so have your sitter follow the same schedule that you do at home.
- Plan around feedings. Ensure that your sitter has enough breast milk and/or formula to last through the night and morning (or longer if you’ll be gone for more than one night). And remember you may need to pump while you are away from your baby to keep up your supply.
- Put safety first. Talk with your sitter about all SIDS precautions, such as keeping the crib free of blankets, pillows, bumpers and stuffed animals, and remind the sitter that a baby should always be placed on her back to sleep.
- Pack all the right gear. If you’re leaving your baby at someone else’s home, bring a bassinet or a playard — or make sure that your sitter’s crib is safe. You’ll also want to take your tyke’s favorite pacifier (if she uses one), loveys, PJs and, if you want, a bouncy seat. Leave your child’s pediatrician’s number, along with contact information for where you’ll be. It’s also a good idea to make up a changing station, so everything is within reach of the caretaker when it comes time to change a diaper. And remember to drop off the car seat before you drive off!
Now, relax. Your baby will be fine…and you will be, too! Enjoy the extra excitement both of you will have seeing each other again the next day.
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Here's to a safe and fun getaway,