Good news for moms-to-be with scoliosis, a condition characterized by a sideways curvature of the spine. Most women with scoliosis have no problems bearing children. There's also little evidence that becoming pregnant will cause the condition to worsen.

Still, while pregnancy isn't pain-free for any mom, if you have scoliosis, you may want to take a few extra precautions to ensure that your pregnancy and delivery are as comfortable as possible.

How does scoliosis affect pregnancy?

Most moms-to-be with scoliosis will find their condition doesn't impact their pregnancy at all. But women with severe curvature of the spine, or those whose scoliosis involves the hips, pelvis or shoulders, may experience more pain and discomfort, breathing problems or weight-bearing difficulties — especially later in the pregnancy.

As your center of mass shifts, you'll find yourself naturally leaning back to support the extra weight of your growing belly. 

If you find that your back pain increases during pregnancy, stay off your feet as much as possible, take warm baths and enlist your partner to give you some back rubs. Using a belly support might also bring some relief.

A physiotherapist may be able to help you with some exercises specific to any scoliosis-related pain you may be experiencing. You can ask your practitioner for a referral to an obstetric physiotherapist or ask about alternative medicine approaches (options like acupuncture, seeing a chiropractor or biofeedback, for instance), which might help too.

Will my baby have scoliosis?

There are some congenital forms of scoliosis associated with conditions such as neurofibromatosis and muscular dystrophy. Prenatal testing can detect several of these inheritable conditions, and genetic counseling is advised in the preconception period if this is a suspected possibility.

About 80 percent of the time, however, scoliosis occurs for unknown reasons.[1] What's more, there's no clear evidence that babies can inherit a "scoliosis gene" from their parents.

Will pregnancy cause my scoliosis to get worse?

This is a valid concern given all the changes to your body that come with pregnancy. Happily, studies show that having one or more pregnancies doesn't appear to make spinal curvature worse for most women with scoliosis.[2]

Can I have an epidural if I have scoliosis?

Most women with scoliosis can have an epidural, though the condition may make it more difficult to place the needle. This is especially true if you had a corrective rod put into your spine, and in particular, if that rod was placed low in your spine.[3] 

Let your OB/GYN and anesthesiologist know about your scoliosis ahead of time if you think you may want an epidural, and share with them your most recent X-rays from before getting pregnant.

Depending on the type of spinal curvature you have or whether you've undergone surgery for scoliosis, your doctors may need to take additional steps to ensure the anesthesia is successful.

Planning to deliver without pain meds? It's still worth discussing your epidural options with your care team ahead of time. That way just in case you happen to change your mind later on, you'll have a ready plan in place for administering the epidural.

Will I need a C-section if I have scoliosis?

Having scoliosis doesn't necessarily mean that your baby will be born by C-section. In fact, many expectant moms with scoliosis have successful vaginal deliveries.

But the severity and shape of your curvature, whether or not you've had corrective surgery and the comfort level of your prenatal practitioner with attempting a vaginal birth will all play into the decision. 

Be sure to have a conversation with your practitioner about the type of delivery you want so that you'll know what to expect well in advance of your due date. 

You should also have your care team review your most recent X-rays from before getting pregnant to determine whether you're better off receiving regional or general anesthesia in the event that you do end up needing a C-section.

No matter how your pregnancy and labor unfold, rest assured that you've got a great chance of having a perfectly healthy pregnancy and baby in spite of your condition.

And though you may have a bit more pain and discomfort than other moms-to-be, it won't bother your baby in the least. Just do what you can to ease your symptoms as your pregnancy progresses and keep your eye on the prize at the end: your beautiful baby!