If you’re struggling with breastfeeding — whether your baby is having a hard time latching or you’re dealing with soreness and pain — you may wonder if nipple shields could help.

But while nipple shields can indeed be a godsend for some women and their babies when used correctly under the guidance of a lactation consultant or doctor, they can also make common breastfeeding problems worse. Here’s the lowdown on who should use nipple shields and when.

What is a nipple shield?

A nipple shield is a thin silicone device that's worn over your nipple while you breastfeed. It's soft and flexible, and has small holes in the tip that allow milk to flow into your baby’s mouth.

In some situations, nipple shields can help babies properly latch and suckle more effectively by providing stimulation to the roof of their mouths.

When to use a nipple shield

You should ideally work with a lactation consultant before trying a nipple shield to make sure that you really need one. Babies can become used to nipple shields very quickly, and it can be challenging to wean them off — so you don’t want to use one unless it's absolutely necessary.

Some issues, such as sore nipples from a poor latch, can be resolved without a shield. But there are several reasons why a breastfeeding mom may need to use a nipple shield:

You have inverted nipples

If you have inverted nipples, they retract into your breast instead of sticking out. You may notice this when you’re cold or when you compress your breast around your areola (the dark area around your nipples) with your fingers.

For women with inverted nipples, a nipple shield may help guide your baby to latch on more deeply if other interventions aren't working.

Your baby is premature

Some research shows that a nipple shield can be helpful for preemies. This is because the shield can create suction and position the nipple in a way that makes it easier for a premature baby to suck without tiring.

As your baby develops strength and coordination, you can wean her off the shield.

Your baby has tongue issues

A tongue thrust or tongue-tie — a condition in which a tight band of tissue connects part of your baby’s tongue to the floor of her mouth — can make it difficult for your little one to latch on to breastfeed. Nipple shields can help in the interim while your pediatrician recommends next steps.

How to use a nipple shield properly

Nipple shields come in several different sizes depending on the diameter of your nipples. Your lactation consultant or physician can recommend whether a nipple shield is right for you and which size you need. Here’s how to apply one correctly:

  • Moisten the edges of the nipple shield with lukewarm water to help prevent it from moving.
  • Gently turn the nipple shield inside out. 
  • Smooth it onto your breast, so the tip of your nipple fits into the nipple of the shield. It should be tight against your breast with your nipple extending into the tip. 
  • Express some milk into the tip, or drip expressed milk onto the outside of the nipple shield to encourage your baby to latch on.
  • While nursing, you can occasionally hand express milk into your baby’s mouth to keep him nursing whenever your milk flow slows.
  • Wash the nipple shield thoroughly in hot soapy water, or in the dishwasher on a hot cycle, after each use.

What are the benefits of using a nipple shield?

A nipple shield can help babies who might not otherwise be able to nurse — for example, preemies or little ones with tongue ties — learn how to successfully breastfeed. Ideally, a nipple shield is temporary and helps these babies learn how to nurse on their own without having to rely on expressed milk or formula.

Nipple shields can also help ensure milk production stays ramped up during this time.

What are the disadvantages of using a nipple shield?

Although nipple shields can make a world of difference for nursing moms and their babies, they can have drawbacks.

Milk production can decrease

Your milk supply could go down if your baby isn’t sucking hard enough to stimulate it.

Your baby has to work harder

It takes more effort to get milk through a nipple shield, so your baby may need some extra help. One way to do this is to gently compress different areas of your breast during nursing sessions.

If your breasts still feel full after nursing, drain them by pumping. This will help reduce the chances of plugged ducts or even mastitis, a painful inflammation of the breast that sometimes involves infection.

It may be harder to breastfeed in public

If you’re already a little uncomfortable about nursing outside the comfort of your own home, a nipple shield can make doing so more challenging, since you’ll have to fumble with it before you settle down to get your baby to latch on.

Babies can become dependent on nipple shields

That's why it’s important to work with a lactation consultant if you do use one. A lactation consultant can help you wean from the shield after a few weeks.

How can you wean your baby from a nipple shield?

Nipple shields are designed to be a temporary solution while your baby learns how to breastfeed on her own. Ideally, you should wean your baby off of the nipple shield with the help of a lactation consultant. To wean, you can try the following:

  • When you use a nipple shield, always encourage your baby to latch on by herself with a wide-open mouth.
  • Offer skin-to-skin contact each day without wearing a nipple shield to give your baby a chance to latch on her own.
  • After using a nipple shield for a few weeks, try to start the feed with the shield, then quickly remove it midway through the session. If your baby can latch on her own, gradually remove the shield earlier and earlier in the feeding until you can eventually stop using it.
  • Don’t ever cut the tip of the nipple shield in an effort to wean from it, as doing so can leave sharp edges that could harm your baby.

If you try to wean your baby off the nipple shield and she seems to struggle or become frustrated without it, continue nursing with the nipple shield on. You don’t want this to turn into a big breastfeeding battle, especially if she's enjoying it and gaining weight. Work with a lactation consultant for additional strategies that may help you successfully wean.