If you've ever handed a toddler some finger paint, a blank sheet of paper and watched him go wild, then you know the endless amount of fun crafts can bring. But art activities get little minds going in more ways than one. As your toddler's tiny hands experiment with mixing colors and creating swirls on the page, he won't just be entertained — he's also flexing important developmental skills, exploring his imagination and gaining a sense of independence by creating something of his very own.

Why arts and crafts are beneficial for toddlers

Toddler crafts benefit kids in ways big and small, starting with how they help refine both gross and fine motor coordination, says Christina Johns, M.D., a pediatrician and senior medical advisor for PM Pediatrics Urgent Care. Even if little ones aren't quite sure what they're making or are unable to follow all the steps without assistance, that's okay: They're still getting a lot more out of art projects than you might think.

"Working with their hands and practicing repetitive motions and activities also helps with focus and discipline," says Dr. Johns. For example, picking up objects helps refine their pincer grasp, she says.

Arts and crafts also give toddlers a sense of spatial orientation, a cognitive skill that can help with flexibility, dexterity and more. "Carrying supplies and cleaning up helps gross motor transferring skills,” says Dr. Johns, adding that crafts also help young children make decisions and learn from their mistakes.

In other words: Encouraging any kind of creative play with toddler crafts can be beneficial, even if your little one isn't ready to do much yet. Just take things slow, and don't expect him to be making some elaborate paper mache masterpiece any time soon.

"Encourage your child to speak their mind and tell you, in their own words and way, what they are thinking and planning as they make decisions about arts and crafts — which colors to use, what to put where, etc.,” says Dr. Johns. "This encourages verbal development and sentence formation."

Perhaps most importantly, toddler crafts give little ones a sense of accomplishment that boosts their self-esteem.

"Gaining confidence and feeling good about oneself is important for children at this age," says Dr. Johns, "so patience, praise and a positive attitude go a long way in making these activities go well."

The best crafts for toddlers

Not sure what makes an art project appropriate for toddlers? Think simple, says Dr. Johns.

"Toddlers should be focused on simple activities that aren't too complex or above their developmental level," she notes, explaining that choosing activities with just a few steps is best, since complex crafts might make little ones feel frustrated or cause them to lose interest. She also suggests using crafting elements that aren't too small or difficult to manipulate.

"Working with beads or buttons (while supervised) can help with counting skills, [while] gluing objects or painting (like color by number) can help with naming items, color selection, numbers and vocabulary," she says.

Above all else, make sure toddler art projects are fun — but also keep a close watch. You may have to jump in on a few tasks that involve steps like cutting to ensure your little one doesn't hurt herself or ingest anything while working with the materials.

Ready to dive in? Scroll on for fun and easy DIY crafts for toddlers that you and your little one will love.

Homemade stamps craft


Toddlers love dipping stamps into ink pads or paint and leaving their mark all over the page. Jackie from Happy Hooligans suggests using common household items to make your own stamps, such as wine corks, bottle caps and toy blocks, which are easy for little hands to grab (and are likely laying around your house, anyway). 

What you'll need:

  • Large bottle caps, wine corks or other small items with a flat surface

  • Foam shapes

  • Glue gun

  • Blank paper

  • Paint, ink or markers to dip the stamps into 

Get the the instructions: happyhooligans.ca 

Paper plate sun craft

Here comes the sun! This fun and simple paper plate craft will definitely work on those fine motor skills, as little ones carefully glue each of the sun's "rays" on (aka yellow pipe cleaners). You can also practice counting with your tot as she crafts to work on those math skills. 

What you'll need:

  • 1 small yellow paper plate (or a white one your toddler can paint yellow)

  • 1 single hole punch

  • Yellow pipe cleaners

  • Yellow straws

  • Scissors

  • Yellow tissue paper squares

  • Liquid glue

  • Sequins or jewels (optional) 

Get the instructions: buggyandbuddy.com

Painted pasta necklace craft

Encourage little ones to make their very own wearable art with nothing more than some pasta noodles, paint and string. You'll probably have to give your toddler a hand stringing each noodle, but chances are she'll love wearing the finished product.

What you'll need: 

  • Craft paint

  • Paint brushes

  • Pasta noodles 

  • Yarn

  • Tape 

  • Scissors

  • Scrap paper

  • Wax paper 

  • Cup for water

  • Disposable plate or palette to hold paint

  • Painter's tape (optional) 

Get the instructions: pinkstripeysocks.com

Leaf painting craft

Nature-inspired art teaches toddlers to learn about the world around them in a whole new way. Before getting started on this craft, take a walk with your little one and encourage him to pick out different leaves that catch his eye. After, watch as he paints each one in a pretty color and creates leaf impressions across the blank page. 

What you'll need:

  • Acrylic paint

  • White cardstock

  • Leaves from the outdoors

Get the instructions: thebestideasforkids.com

Paper cup flowers craft  

This pretty flower craft makes for a fun afternoon activity, and it's also a great gift for Mom or Grandma. It involves painting a simple white paper cup with a small stone, and then cutting the sides into strips to create the petals — though for toddlers, you'll need to step in with that part. 

What you'll need: 

  • Small round stone

  • White paper cups

  • Paint

  • Paper plate 

Get the instructions: howweelearn.com

Caterpillar suncatcher craft

This caterpillar suncatcher offers toddlers a fun indoor activity. Using the colorful tops of extra Play-Doh lids, you can help guide your little one as he sticks them to the window, forming a happy little caterpillar. Then show him where to glue on the tiny caterpillar legs, ears and eyes to complete the friendly face. 

What you'll need:

  • Play-Doh lids (5 small and 1 large)

  • Glue dots

  • 2 small wiggly eyes

  • Black permanent marker

  • 2 black pipe cleaners

  • Tape

  • Scissors

Get the instructions: firefliesandmudpies.com

Under-the-sea preschool plate craft 

In this craft, toddlers can turn an ordinary paper plate into a pretty blue fish bowl, complete with a friendly yellow fish that lives inside. Using tissue paper to make the seaweed and white beans for the sandy bottom will also create more of a sensory experience.

What you'll need: 

  • Paint (preferably blues and greens)

  • Paint brushes or sponge

  • Paper plate

  • Piece of white card stock

  • Green and yellow tissue paper

  • White beans

  • Fish template

  • Glue

  • One set of googly eyes

Get the instructions: daisycottagedesigns.net

Rainbow tree craft

Ana from Babble Dabble Do is a big fan of nature crafts that inspire kids to look differently at the world around them. But here's an added bonus: These types of art activities are also low-cost and sometimes even free. This craft is no exception — it involves taking a large downed branch from your yard or a nearby wooded area, "planting" it in a bucket filled with sand and then letting little ones paint it however they wish.

What you'll need:

  • Tree branch

  • Bucket

  • Sand

  • Acrylic paint

  • Paintbrushes

Get the instructions: babbledabbledo.com 

Felt board tree craft

Introduce the concept of seasons to your kiddo by letting her play with felt to create a tree and naturescape that reflects the season you're in. You'll have to do a little prep work when it comes to the cutting, but then you can encourage her to place flowers and leaves within the scene wherever she likes.

What you'll need:

  • 8×10 piece of cardboard

  • 1 sheet light blue felt

  • 1 sheet green felt

  • 1 sheet white felt

  • 1/2 sheet brown felt

  • Various colors of felt (scrap pieces work, too)

  • Scissors

  • White craft glue 

Get the instructions: craftsbyamanda.com

Scented homemade play dough craft

If you're looking for a toddler art project that's more of a sensory play activity, scented play dough is kind of perfect. Your tot can assist in helping you whip up different batches of the colorful dough by pouring the ingredients into a bowl before you mix them. After it's ready, watch as he has a blast kneading the dough and creating fun shapes and creatures.

What you'll need:

  • 1 cup all-purpose flour

  • 1/2 cup salt

  • 2 teaspoons cream of tartar

  • 1 cup filtered water 

  • 1 1/2 tablespoons unrefined coconut oil

  • Food coloring

  • Essential oils, flavor extracts and/or spices (optional)

Get the instructions: thehippyhomemaker.com

Foam sticker roller craft 

Get ready to get messy! This simple craft lets toddlers mix colors, make patterns and have fun using the rolling pin to create a true work of art. This isn't exactly one of those crafts that'll come out looking Pinterest-perfect, but it doesn't matter — it'll be fun, and kids will work on motor skills as they move the rolling pin about the page.

What you'll need: 

  • Large sheets of paper

  • Poster paints in a variety of colors

  • Plastic plate to put the paint on

  • Glitter (optional)

  • Rolling pin

  • Foam stickers (whatever design you prefer) 

Get the instructions: notimeforflashcards.com

Handprint calendar craft

The best art projects are the ones that double as great gifts — and this toddler craft is no exception. You and your tot can work on this project all in one day, or incrementally over a couple of weeks to compile the finished product: A one-of-a-kind handprint calendar for Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa … you name it!

What you'll need: 

  • Smocks

  • Several paint brushes

  • Several colored paints

  • Construction paper

  • Markers

  • Sharpies

  • Glue

  • Glitter

  • Newspaper to place beneath your painting area

Get the instructions: crazyadventuresinparenting.com

Rainbow cereal craft;

Good luck not getting hungry while making this one! Using marshmallows and strategically placed pieces of rainbow cereal, your toddler can create a colorful rainbow while practicing her counting skills and color recognition. 

What you'll need:

  • Fruit cereal

  • Mini marshmallows

  • Paper plates

  • Blue crayon

  • Glue

Get the instructions: crazyadventuresinparenting.com

Valentine's Day paper wreath craft

The good news? There's no wrong way to make this Valentine's Day-themed wreath, which offers little learners a fun and tactile activity. Once you cut out the center of the paper plate, toddlers will have fun gluing each piece of colorful tissue paper to the wreath, and will be super proud when you hang their work of art on the front door.

What you'll need:

  • Tissue paper squares in red, pink and white

  • Paper plate with the center cut out

  • School glue or glue sticks

  • Cellophane paper with hearts (optional)

  • Red, pink or white pipe cleaner

Get the instructions: gluesticksandgumdrops.com

Yarn stamping craft

Creating patterns and prints with stamps is always fun for toddlers, and these DIY yarn stamps help teach kids about different textures and materials. You can use toy blocks to wrap the yarn around, or even cut up floral foam, like Shaunna from Fantastic Fun and Learning did for this craft. Kids will love the bold, interesting patterns they create once dipped in paint and pressed against a sheet of paper.

What you'll need:

  • Washable tempera paint

  • 3 different colors of string

  • 3 blocks (or floral foam cut into blocks) 

  • Scissors

  • White paper

  • Paint tray 

Get the instructions: fantasticfunandlearning.com

Apple print craft 

Here's another fun paint stamping craft that involves something you likely already have at home: apples! Simply cut them down the middle and let your toddler use the halves as makeshift stamps to press against the stark white paper. You can even use different kinds of apples to teach your little one about the various colors and varieties while you're at it. 

What you'll need:

  • Several apples (one kind, or a variety)

  • White paper

  • Washable paints

Get the instructions: makeandtakes.com