It's hard enough to put one baby down for bedtime, but getting two infants to go to sleep can be extra trying for new parents. Synching up daytime nap schedules and tiptoeing around one bundle without waking up the other during nighttime feedings can be tricky, to say the least. 

But when it comes to sleep safety, the twin playbook looks a lot like the one for parents of singletons — with a few extra rules to keep in mind. Here's a rundown of what parents of multiples should know, plus some smart advice for getting everyone to nap and sleep a little easier.

Can twins sleep in the same crib?

Can twins share a bed, or more specifically a crib? While it's tempting to wonder whether your twins might sleep better together, the only safe snoozing setup is to place each baby in his own crib or bassinet.

Experts say that the risks of co-bedding — placing twins or multiples in the same crib or bassinet — outweigh any potential benefit. For that reason, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends placing each twin a separate sleep space to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).[1]

Sticking with safe sleep guidelines is always crucial, but it's especially important for twins. Multiples are more likely to be born prematurely or have low birth weights, both of which can put them at an increased SIDS risk.

Experts including the AAP recommend placing multiples in separate cribs from the start, which will ensure that neither baby gets overheated or becomes entangled with the other one somehow.

Once your twin babies are old enough for the nursery, it's up to you whether you want to put them in separate rooms or in the same room in separate cribs. The size of your house and the sleep habits you've established with your little ones will no doubt factor into your decision.

Can twins nap together outside of the crib?

Experts say it's important to separate twins at naptime for the same reasons that it's important to have them sleep in separate cribs. 

Keep in mind that even naps should take place on a safe sleep surface, since the risk of SIDs is greater when babies are placed on soft bedding, including couches, pillows or comforters. No matter when your little ones are snoozing, choose a crib or bassinet with a flat, firm surface and a tight, fitted sheet, and skip the soft bedding and bumpers.[2]

That said, it's absolutely worth trying to put both of your twins down for a nap — on their backs — at the same time. Even if it takes one twin a little bit longer to drift off to dreamland, twins who nap at roughly the same time are more likely to wake up around the same time — which equals a solid block of peace and quiet for you.

Can you co-sleep with twins?

The answer depends on what you mean by co-sleeping. You shouldn't share the same bed with your twins because it increases the risk of SIDS. But the AAP does recommend that you room-share — having your twins sleep in your room, each in their own bassinet or crib — ideally for the first six months.

It can be tempting to pull one or both of your twins into bed with you in an attempt to get more sleep (or more snuggles). But adult beds can put infants at risk for suffocation, strangulation or entrapment. And these dangers are even greater for babies who are born prematurely or at a low birth weight — as is often the case for twins.

Room-sharing, on the other hand, can significantly decrease the risk of SIDS. Of course, fitting two full-size cribs in your bedroom is probably a difficult proposition. You can conserve space — and have everyone sleep safely — by using smaller bassinets or pack 'n plays (which can be folded up during the day). 

Tips for putting twins and multiples to sleep safely at naptime and bedtime

Balancing the sleeping, feeding and changing schedules of one baby is already a juggling act, but when it comes to two, it's a whole new ball game.

Unfortunately, there's no magic answer guaranteed to get your twins to nap or sleep through the night. But these tips can help your twins establish good, safe sleep habits so that you can keep as much of your sanity as possible.

Synchronize schedules

Twins who eat together are more likely to fall asleep at the same time. Start by getting both of your babies on the same feeding schedule, including for middle-of-the-night feeds.[3] (If one twin wakes up to eat, you should wake the other and feed him too.) With a little luck, the matched up mealtimes mean both of your twins will get drowsy — and nod off — at the same time too.

Develop routines

It can be a challenge to get a baby on a good schedule, but it's worth the effort — especially when you're balancing two. Once your twins are at least 2 months old, you can start implementing a basic schedule. It'll make life less hectic for you, and (hopefully) help you sidestep the problem of having a twin who's not tired keeping her drowsy sibling awake.

The bottom line? Try to establish feeding schedules and evening rituals that include bathing, changing and putting your little ones down at around the same time every night.

Bring on the noise

It will make things easier on you if your twins can sleep through a little sound. When one wakes up, don't tiptoe around the other baby. There's no need to blast heavy metal music during naptime, but a baby who wakes up to the sound of a pin dropping can make balancing two infants pretty difficult.

If it seems like noises around the house or outdoors are consistently waking up one or both of your twins, you can also invest in a white noise machine to muffle outside disturbances — or play white noise through your phone or computer.

Just set it at a low volume and place it on the other side of the room, away from where your sweeties are sleeping, since too-loud white noise can be harmful to tiny ears.

Encourage self-soothing

Your first impulse is likely to drop everything and sprint to the crib at the first sign of a cry. Try to resist the urge. While your love for your babies is undeniable, allowing your twins to learn to soothe themselves with a pacifier or thumb can make all the difference.

Newborns can also make a lot of noise during active sleep, so you also run the risk of actually waking them up if you go in too early.

Play it safe

Sticking with healthy sleep guidelines reduces your twins' risk for SIDS, which can help you sleep easier. Be sure to always:

  • Place your twins in separate sleep spaces. It bears repeating: Twin babies should be put down in separate, safe sleep surfaces such as cribs, bassinets or pack 'n plays.
  • Put your twins to sleep on their backs. It's crucial advice that applies to multiples and singletons alike. Be sure to remind babysitters, grandparents and other caregivers to do the same before leaving your little ones with them.
  • Keep the cribs firm and bare. Mattresses should be firm and covered with tight-fitting sheets. Avoid soft bedding, pillows, toys and bumpers.
  • Know when to swaddle. You can swaddle your babies until they're 2 months old. Then it's time to switch to a wearable blanket or sleep sack. 
  • Keep your twins cool. Avoid wooly blankets, hats or extra clothing, which can make babies too hot, and keep the thermostat set between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit. When in doubt, check your little ones' necks or heads to make sure they're not sweaty.

Getting your twins to sleep successfully — and at the same time — can be a challenge. For now, focus on following safe sleep guidelines and trying to sync up your sweeties' schedules as much as possible. With time, the rest will eventually fall into place.