Pregnancy losses can be heartbreaking no matter when they occur. Whether you have a miscarriage early on, you experience the nightmare of a stillbirth, or you have to make the gut-wrenching decision to terminate your pregnancy for medical reasons (if abortion is legal in your state), your emotions are likely at the forefront.

Still, it’s worth having a sense of what your body may be going through and how long it’ll take to heal, as well as be aware of the signs that could indicate an infection or complication.

Here are the symptoms you might experience after a miscarriage or other pregnancy loss and what to expect when it comes to your recovery. 

What are some common symptoms after a miscarriage or other pregnancy loss?

Typical symptoms depend on the length of your pregnancy. Here's a breakdown depending on when the loss occurs:

After an early miscarriage

  • Period-like bleeding for a few days
  • Mild cramping for a few days
  • Spotting for up to four weeks

After a dilation or curettage (D&C), a miscarriage for which you had to take medication or a medical termination of a pregnancy (if these are legal in your state)

  • Mild cramping for a few days after the procedure
  • Light bleeding for a few days after the procedure
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea

After a vaginal stillbirth

What’s the postpartum recovery timeline after a pregnancy loss?

It can take weeks, months or even longer to process your emotions after a pregnancy loss. But your body will likely recover more quickly.

After a miscarriage or early pregnancy medical loss, you might have bleeding or cramping for a few days and spotting for a few weeks. But your period should come back within four to six weeks — a sign that your body is prepared for pregnancy again, if you feel like you’re ready to give it another try.

The recovery timeline for later pregnancy losses are longer. Though it can be hard to think about, the physical process of a vaginal stillbirth is usually the same as for a vaginal live birth.

It’s normal to have heavy bleeding, cramping, perineal discomfort, overall achiness and even breast engorgement in the days after going through labor.

The bleeding will typically taper off within six weeks, and you might experience occasional cramping for that long as your uterus shrinks back down to its normal size.

Recovery after early miscarriage

After a miscarriage, it can take three to four weeks for the contents of the uterus to be expelled, and it’s normal to have bleeding or spotting during that time.

You should avoid having sex or putting anything in the vagina (including tampons) for two weeks after a miscarriage to avoid the risk of potential infection. Your body should feel back to itself within a few days, and your period should return within three or four weeks. 

Recovery after D&C

A dilation and curettage, or D&C, is a minor surgery that’s sometimes needed to clear out remaining tissue from the uterus after a miscarriage. It's also a procedure used in the medical termination of a pregnancy. (In June 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled there is no Constitutional right to an abortion, which means it is now up to individual states to decide whether abortion is legal in that state. Depending on where you live, you may not have the option to medically terminate a pregnancy.)

It’s normal to have mild cramping or light bleeding for a few days after a D&C procedure. (If you’re uncomfortable, a pain reliever like ibuprofen can help.) You might also feel drowsy or nauseous for a few hours if you had general anesthesia or light sedation. 

You should start to feel back to normal within a few days, but it’s important to avoid having sex, using a tampon or putting anything into the vagina for a full week after the procedure. Doing so can put you at risk for an infection.

Your period should come back within four to six weeks. 

Recovery after vaginal stillbirth

Going through a vaginal stillbirth is beyond gut-wrenching, especially because the postpartum recovery process is largely the same as it would be for a live birth.

In the first few days, it’s normal to have heavy postpartum bleeding, abdominal cramping, perineal soreness, fatigue and aches. Because breast milk still comes in after a stillbirth, you might also experience engorgement or tenderness.

Your postpartum symptoms will gradually lessen as your body continues to heal. Bleeding will start to taper off, going from red, to pink, to brown, to yellowish white over the course of six weeks or so.

The abdominal cramping will decrease too, though it could also take up to six weeks to go away completely as your uterus shrinks back to its normal size.

Perineal soreness will also ease up within three to six weeks, though it could take longer if you had a tear or an episiotomy.

When to call the doctor

It’s normal to be more focused on your emotions than what might be going on physically after a pregnancy loss. Still, it’s important to pay attention to signs of potential complications.

You should call your doctor if you experience any of the following:

After a miscarriage

  • Bleeding that lasts longer than seven days
  • Foul-smelling discharge
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Abdominal pain

After a D&C or other type of early medical loss

  • Heavy bleeding that lasts longer than your usual period
  • Foul-smelling discharge
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Severe abdominal pain

After a vaginal stillbirth

Any potential postpartum warning signs including:

  • Very heavy bleeding or large clots
  • Redness or swelling in your leg
  • Severe headache
  • Fever
  • Chest pain
  • Trouble breathing
  • Seizures

Dealing with a pregnancy loss can be incredibly difficult. But it can help to be aware of the physical symptoms your body is likely to go through and how long your recovery should take, which depends on when the loss occurred.

So go easy on yourself and take the time and space you need to heal. Eventually, your body will get back to normal and you'll start to feel like yourself again.