You've probably heard of hepatitis from your child's well-visits, as vaccines for two of the types — hepatitis A and hepatitis B — are on the schedule during your baby's first year. Thanks to these very effective vaccines, hepatitis in children is rare. But it's still a good idea to be aware of the different types of hepatitis that can occur in children, as well as symptoms to look out for.

What is hepatitis?

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that may damage or destroy the organ’s cells. The three most common types are hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C.  There is also hepatitis D and hepatitis E, though both are rarely seen in the U.S.

Hepatitis in children can be caused by exposure to the virus that causes each one, and it might also develop due to a condition like autoimmune liver disease.

Here’s a breakdown of each of the common types of hepatitis that could be seen in kids: 

Hepatitis A in children

The hepatitis A virus is responsible for about 20 to 25 percent of hepatitis cases in the U.S. This very contagious liver infection is spread via the oral-fecal route, which means contact with the feces of someone who’s infected or from an object that has the virus on it.

Hepatitis A may also be transmitted from contaminated food or water. Luckily, the hepatitis A vaccine has reduced cases to 1,500 a year in the U.S.

Hepatitis B in children

Hepatitis B is an infection brought on by the virus with the same name and is spread by contact with a person’s blood, bodily fluids or personal care items. It can also be transmitted during pregnancy if the mother has hepatitis B infection (HBV).

The hepatits B vaccine is given within 24 hours of birth (or within 12 hours for babies born to HBV-infected mothers), at 1-2 months and at 6 to 18 months.

Hepatitis C in children

Hepatitis C is caused by the hepatitis C virus, which can be spread via infected blood and during pregnancy.

Hepatitis C is the most serious type of hepatitis, as there’s no vaccine to prevent it and it often displays no symptoms in babies and children. But there are medications that can treat hepatitis C and even cure it in many cases.

What causes hepatitis? 

The three main types of hepatitis mentioned are caused by their matching viruses. They are transmitted either via contact with the virus on an object or from an infected person’s feces, which might occur when hand-washing after using the bathroom or diapering isn’t up to snuff. Hepatitis A can also be found on unpeeled or uncooked fruits, veggies and shellfish, as well as in contaminated ice and water.

Both hepatitis A and B can be transmitted via blood or personal care items, including toothbrushes, razors, nail clippers or nail scissors. Both hepatitis B and hepatitis C can be spread during pregnancy, though it’s very rare for hepatitis A to be transmitted this way.

What is causing the current outbreak of hepatitis in children?

Hepatitis has been of greater concern lately due to a recent outbreak in children with an unknown cause. All of the children with the disease in this recent outbreak tested negative for hepatitis A, B and C. But some were positive for a strain of the adenovirus (number 41 in particular), which causes flu-like illness and stomach and intestinal distress, including diarrhea. However, doctors aren’t sure if adenovirus is behind the recent hepatitis cases.

The cases of hepatitis in this very small group of children are still being researched, but physicians are also considering whether some of those with hepatitis might have had COVID-19 previously.

Keep in mind that hepatitis in children is still very rare. But if your child has vomiting that’s not improving, dark urine, or pale or very white stools, call your pediatrician.

What are the symptoms of hepatitis in children?

The symptoms of hepatitis in children are generally similar whether they have A, B or C. Here’s what to look for:

  • Flu-like complaints, such as achiness, fever, chills or diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Dark urine
  • Joint and stomach pain
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Clay-colored (pale or very white) bowel movements
  • Jaundice or yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes (this is a later sign)

However, hepatitis C is harder to spot. It can develop without clear-cut symptoms, and the ones you do notice might not linger for very long and can mimic those of other illnesses.

How is hepatitis treated in children? 

Treatment for hepatitis depends on the type your child has and its severity.

  • Hepatitis A: The hepatitis A vaccine prevents hepatitis A, though there is no specific treatment for it.
  • Hepatitis B: The hepatitis B vaccine prevents hepatitis B, and there are medications to treat B in children.
  • Hepatitis C: While a vaccine for hepatitis C isn’t available, there are effective remedies, including drugs for those 3 and up, that cure the virus in almost 98 percent of cases. 

If hepatitis becomes chronic, supportive care (a healthy diet, plenty of rest), as well as blood testing to track the disease and its progress are part of the treatment. In very serious cases, surgery and other medical procedures may be necessary.

How to protect your children from hepatitis 

The best way to protect your child is to vaccinate her according to your pediatrician’s schedule, as these shots are safe and offer long-term protection. Like some other vaccines, side effects are mild (fussiness, soreness at the site of the shot) but they’ll ease after a couple of days.

Good hygiene can help prevent viral hepatitis, which means careful and frequent handwashing after changing diapers and using the bathroom, as well as giving fruits and veggies a good scrub before eating them. It’s also a smart idea not to share toothbrushes (even in a pinch!), nail clippers or other personal care items that could carry blood or body fluids.

Hepatitis shouldn’t be taken lightly, but thanks to the vaccines for both A and B, the illness is highly preventable. Stick with the scheduled vaccinations offered by your pediatrician and remember to practice good hygiene and food safety handling. And if you have any questions or concerns about hepatitis, you can always bring them to your baby’s doctor.