Whether you're tickled pink about your toddler's first haircut or having first nail trim déjà vu, don't be surprised if your toddler falls on the side of anxiety. A tot is typically nervous and uneasy in the face of any new experience. If you are going to a salon for the first hair cut, your child may experience a little stranger anxiety — especially when that stranger's bringing a pair of scissors directly toward his face.
While having a familiar hand on the scissors (yours) might make your child more comfortable, there's nothing like a wiggly toddler to disrupt the perfect coif. Here's how to prevent shear madness and make your toddler's first haircut go as smoothly as possible.
When should toddlers get their first haircut?
Have you noticed that your toddler has split ends? Is he constantly pushing hair out of his eyes and refusing to wear it back? Do you think he would look cute with a bowl cut?
These are just a few signs that it might be time for your child's first haircut. The perfect time to give your toddler his first haircut ultimately comes down to personal preference, your child's comfort, and any cultural or religious traditions.
How to cut toddler hair
If you'd prefer to go the DIY route, here's how to cut your little one's hair yourself.
Step 1: Gather your supplies
Here's what you'll need for your toddler's trim:
- A chair (the higher, the better)
- Barber shears (household scissors aren't meant to cut hair)
- Wall mirror
- Towels or old t-shirts
- Spray bottle or cup of water
- Comb
- Clips
Step 2: Set up shop
Transform your home into a salon! Place your chair in front of a mirror or TV. Even though toddlers and TV aren't always the best mix, in this case it's a worthwhile distraction.
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Lay one towel under the chair, and drape another over your child's shoulders to keep the hair off, or dress him in an old T-shirt if the towel's a turnoff.
Step 3: Get wet
With a wiggly and potentially anxious toddler, it's best to skip the shampoo before the cut. Instead, use a clean spray bottle to dampen hair, or dip your comb into a cup of water to wet the hair as you comb it out.
Try to avoid any unnecessary surprises. Let your toddler try spraying your hair first, and warn him before you spray or use the wet comb so he's not startled.
Step 4: Divide and conquer
Chances are your squirmy worm will move (does any toddler stay still?) during the process. Section off your tot's wet hair, using a clip to pull back the sections you're not working with yet to keep them smooth.
Always start cutting from the front since your child will probably sit the most still in the first few minutes. Begin with the bangs, snipping from the outside of one eyebrow to the outside of the other one. Use one hand to gently hold your child's head so you don't have a moving target or any scissor slips.
Step 6: Take tiny snips
Hold a small piece of hair between your fingers, then slide your fingers down until the hair is the length you want it, and snip below your fingers. Remember, it's best to be conservative when you cut toddler hair. You can always take more off, but you can't put it back.
Step 7: Ooh and ahh
Once you've checked over your work, hand your best customer a mirror and let him take a look. Make sure to give out loads of compliments on his hair, and praise every smidgen of good behavior. Lots of positive reinforcement can only improve future cooperation.
Taking toddlers for their first salon haircut
If you'd prefer to let the pros handle your honey's hair, here's how to pick a salon and help your tot through his first cut.
Watch how it's done
Part of what's so terrifying for your tot about the first salon haircut is that everything is new. Make the salon familiar by bringing him by to watch other kids getting a trim or even to meet the stylist who'll be cutting his hair. Alternatively, let him tag along next time you get a cut so he can watch you do it first.
Head to a kid-friendly salon
Lots of salons cater to kids — some are so kid-friendly they could pass for a toy store or playroom. Diversions can go a long way to make a child feel at ease, or at least distracted, and that's what'll make the process less stressful all around.
But perhaps most important is having a stylist who is familiar with toddler hair care, knows how to make small children comfortable and can get the job done quickly.
Offer your lap
If your tot doesn't want to sit by himself in that ginormous chair, ask if you can put on a smock and have him sit on your lap — facing away from you to get the front cut and facing toward you when it's time for the back. Most stylists familiar with toddler haircuts understand that even though it's a slightly more challenging position, having the child calm and sitting still will make the cut infinitely easier for everyone.
More tips for your toddler's first haircut
Help your tot be both well-behaved and well-groomed by trying the following:
- Choose your words carefully. Chances are, the associations your child has with the word "cut" are not positive, and he probably doesn't understand that while it hurts to cut your finger, it doesn't hurt to cut your hair. Try to use less objectionable terms like "trim" or "spruce up."
- Time it well. First impressions are important and may color how your child views future haircuts. Avoid giving your child his first haircut when he is hungry or cranky; it helps to book an appointment between mealtime and naptime. And don't force it — even if you've reserved a time at a salon, reschedule if your tot is having a bad day.
- Offer a treat. In many cases, all it takes to relax a nervous child is to pair the haircut with something he especially loves afterward. On the day of the first haircut, plan a visit to his favorite playground or an outing to pick out a special reward. Hey, sometimes treats can also help during the haircut — whether it's watching a favorite show, listening to music or holding a small toy.
- Save a snippet. If you want to save a lock of baby hair, have a bag or envelope handy. Make sure to collect the lock while your tot's hair is still dry.