Creativity comes in all shapes and guises, from art to music to storytelling to dance to…well, whatever! For parents, the goal is to encourage a child's innate desire to express himself, as often and as passionately as possible.

Here are some tips on helping your baby or toddler get into his personal groove.

What is creative play?

Creative activities give children the chance to explore, make things, and express their thoughts and ideas – often through art or music. For babies and toddlers, that might involve activities as varied as scribbling, finger painting, playing music, dancing to the beat or making a playdough sculpture.

Creative play should be open-ended: Start by providing simple materials — like paper and crayons, a few musical instruments or some scarves to twirl while dancing — and let your pint-sized Picasso dive in and have fun! (Just offer some gentle guidance as needed to keep your walls from turning into a mural.) 

What are the benefits of creative play?

Making art or music is just plain fun. But creative play is about more than just getting a little messy or noisy. When babies and toddlers engage in creative activities, they’re sharing their feelings and ideas. And in turn, they’re learning how to communicate and connect with those around them.

That’s not all. Creative activities encourage children to flex their cognitive muscles by thinking in new ways and solving problems. They also help babies and toddlers spot and understand patterns — think figuring out how to bop to a song’s beat, which some experts think may play a role in language development. 

Last but not least? Things like grasping a crayon or paint brush or beating a drum promotes healthy physical development. Fine motor activities help strengthen little hands as well as promote hand-eye coordination. 

When is the best time to start encouraging creative play with your child?

Babies and toddlers of all ages can get in on the fun, though of course, what counts as creative play will look different depending on your child’s age. Toddlers who can hold a crayon or marker are ready to try their hand at making their first art masterpiece, for instance. Older babies who can bang a wooden spoon on a pot are primed to practice percussion.

As for younger infants? Creative play might not involve hands-on activities like making art or music. But even newborns can learn about self-expression by gazing into your eyes, making faces, “talking” with you, and mouthing or shaking toys. 

How to encourage creative play for babies and toddlers

There’s no right or wrong when it comes to creative play, so think about how to support your child where he is right now. Provide age-appropriate materials, encourage him to explore or create independently, and resist the urge to jump in with instructions or suggestions (unless something is unsafe or becoming a little too messy). 

How to encourage creative play: 0-12 months

Creative activities for babies don’t necessarily need to involve art supplies (though you can certainly introduce them as your little one becomes more mobile!). Just focus on offering plenty of opportunities for your infant to express himself and safely explore his surroundings. 

  • Tummy time chat. Get on your tummies, face each other, and make faces and sounds. Imitate your baby’s expressions and noises, tell him what’s on your mind, or narrate what’s going on around you and see how he reacts!
  • Offer musical toys. Simple instruments like egg shakers, maracas and chimes allow babies to learn about cause and effect. 
  • Read together. Colorful board books are a creative feast for your little one’s eyes, and touch-and-feel books encourage him to explore with his hands.
  • Sing and sway. Sing or play your favorite songs while holding your baby and sway to the beat, moving slow for slow songs and picking up the pace for faster ones. Don’t be afraid to cue up the same songs over and over — babies love repetition! 
  • Try finger paints. Offer finger paints once your baby can sit independently. Set your little one in the middle of a large piece of craft or butcher paper that he can paint on, and dip your fingers into the paint with him to show him the ropes. Be prepared to get messy!

How to encourage creative play: 1-2 years

At age 1, your newly minted toddler is ready to start diving into the world of art-making. Just don’t expect any masterpieces quite yet (at least, not in the conventional sense!). Your child’s drawings and paintings will look like scribbles, but as he nears his second birthday, he’ll know what those unidentifiable objects are — and maybe start to describe them to you.

  • Offer age-appropriate art supplies. Think chunky crayons or chalk, paint sticks, or finger or bath paints. Young toddlers are still working on learning how to grasp small objects, and these easy-to-hold supplies are less likely to cause frustration.
  • Create a big canvas. Tape a large piece of craft or butcher paper on the floor or cover the entire table when your toddler uses art supplies. It gives him plenty of room to explore — and minimizes the chance that you end up with a new work of art on your walls.  
  • Sculpt it. Wet sand is a fun, tactile medium for your toddler to explore with his hands. Always supervise closely to make sure none of it ends up in his mouth.
  • Try a toddler collage. Cover cardstock with double-sided tape and give your toddler an assortment of items to stick on to make a collage. Pom-poms, feathers, flowers, leaves and tissue paper are all fun choices.
  • Bring on the instruments. Your young toddler will delight in making his own melodies and beats. Opt for music-makers like drums, tambourines, maracas, horns, xylophones and simple keyboards over music boxes or music toys that only require the push of a button. Of course, a pot and a wooden spoon work, too!

How to encourage creative play: 2-3 years

As your older toddler’s fine motor skills improve and his imagination starts to take hold, he’s primed to start creating with more purpose. Now’s also the time where he can really start to take in examples of art happening in the world around him — so get out and explore. 

  • Create with crayons. This year, you’ll start to notice your 2-year-old start to hold writing instruments more like a big kid, giving him more control over his ability to draw. So hand over the crayons, a big, blank piece of paper and let him get to work.
  • Play what you feel. Provide your toddler with instruments and encourage him to make music that matches different feelings. Ask him to play a happy or excited tune, followed by a sad one, for instance.
  • Playdough games. Your toddler will still enjoy making freestyle sculptures, but now, you can start injecting some more imagination into using playdough. Try opening a playdough pizzeria or bakery together, for instance.
  • Paint outside. Give your toddler a set of paintbrushes and a small bucket filled with water. Encourage him to paint designs on the sidewalk (and watch them disappear as they dry!).
  • Take a field trip. Visits to age-appropriate art museums, plays, music or dance performances, or puppet shows spark your toddler’s creativity and cultivate an appreciation for the arts. 

Creative play is fun, messy and comes with important developmental benefits. But above all, it’s your child’s opportunity to investigate and express his thoughts and ideas — so give him the chance to be hands-on without getting too hands-on yourself. When you take a step back, you never know what he might come up with.