More and more pregnant women are hopping on the complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) bandwagon — and they have their reasons.
Far from a passing fad, such nontraditional therapies have been shown to be effective alternatives to traditional medicines — alternatives that are especially welcome during pregnancy, when many traditional medicines can't be used.
Here are just some of the available CAM therapies that you may want to explore during your pregnancy:
You're probably already using acupressure without even realizing it. Ever massage your temples when you have a tension headache? That's acupressure: a firm thumb or finger massage on certain points of the body.
The points treated in acupressure are usually the same areas used in acupuncture, but instead of using needles, pressure is applied.
Acupressure can be very helpful in relieving morning sickness (in the form of sea-bands or relief bands worn around the wrists) or back pain, among other pregnancy complaints. It can also help relieve the pain of contractions during labor.
Acupuncture uses hair-thin, disposable needles to stimulate specific points on the body (each area is thought to be associated with an organ function).
Like acupressure, acupuncture can restore your body's balance and help it maintain its own health. Acupuncture can be helpful in treating morning sickness, constipation, backache, hemorrhoids, breech presentation, pain during labor and even insufficient milk production postpartum — best of all, with no side effects.
Is your pregnancy giving you a headache (and a backache, and insomnia, and …)?
Biofeedback — a method in which people learn their biological responses to physical pain or emotional stress — can relieve some of those symptoms. Biofeedback has also been shown to help lower blood pressure and combat depression, anxiety, and stress.
Chiropractic medicine
Chiropractors use physical manipulation to realign joints of the body and spine. In pregnancy, chiropractic manipulation can help with back pain and sciatica.
More About Alternative Medicine During Pregnancy
Be sure that you are receiving chiropractic care from a chiropractor who is well trained in treating pregnant women.
Love taking a nice long bath to relax during pregnancy? Ever think about relaxing in the tub during your labor? That's what hydrotherapy is all about: the therapeutic use of warm (not hot) water to reduce your discomfort from pregnancy pain and labor contractions.
Many women are turning to hypnosis during pregnancy to ease the pain of childbirth (hypnobirthing), but hypnosis can also be used to hold off premature labor, to ease pregnancy anxiety and stress, and even to help turn a breech baby.
Whether a massage comes from your partner's untrained hands or from a professional masseuse trained in prenatal massage, getting rubbed the right way during pregnancy can help relieve many pregnancy symptoms — from heartburn and headaches to backache and sciatica.
Massage can also be wonderful during labor to ease pain. A counterpressure massage is especially helpful for back labor.
Meditation and relaxation techniques
Deep relaxation techniques, meditation and visualization can help you cope with a variety of physical and emotional stresses of pregnancy.
Such techniques enable you to relax and focus your concentration, reducing stress, lowering your blood pressure, and enhancing your peace of mind. And who couldn't use that during pregnancy?
Moxibustion is a technique that has its roots in ancient Chinese medicine. Used to help turn a breech baby, it involves using the herb moxa to produce a gentle, smoldering heat in combination with acupuncture in the little toe. The treatment is most effective at 32 to 36 weeks.
Reflexology, a therapy in which pressure is applied to certain areas of the feet, hands and ears, can be beneficial in helping relieve nausea, constipation, fatigue and backache, among other pregnancy symptoms.
Reflexology on certain areas of the feet can also stimulate labor contractions — good if you're overdue, not so good if you're nowhere near term. So make sure that the reflexologist is well trained in pregnancy reflexology and avoids those areas of your feet before term.
Hoping pregnancy isn't a pain for you,