Buckle up! You're about to embark on a car trip with a toddler, which means you're in for the ride of your life.

Just kidding. While toddler road trips have a reputation for being long, stressful and filled with crumbs and complaints, it's possible to reach your destination with your sanity intact — and maybe even a smile on your face.

The secret is all in the planning. From figuring out the ideal time to leave, to picking out the best places to stop, to loading up on all the exciting toys and plenty of snacks, you'll make the journey easier and more enjoyable for all by prepping ahead. Here's everything you need to know, what you'll want to bring and the toddler road trip mistakes to avoid.  

Tips for taking a road trip with a toddler

In a nutshell? Successful toddler car trips involve making plenty of stops and bringing more playthings and snacks than you think you'll need. Oh, and planning to drive when there's a chance your toddler could fall asleep!

Consider your departure time

Try to hit the road at a time when your tot will hopefully fall asleep for at least some of the journey. Very early in the morning or after bedtime are often your best bet.

Driving during naptime might work too, but you may want to steer clear if there's a chance you'll hit rush hour traffic. The stop-and-go will only add time — and unnecessary stress — to your trip.   

Plan for breaks

When taking on a long-distance car trip with your little one, hitting the road for two separate six-hour bursts could beat a marathon drive. So if it’s needed (and if you can spare the time and money), allow for an overnight stop to space out the trip. 

And no matter how far or how long the drive, be prepared to stop frequently — every two hours or so — during toddler car travel to give your pint-sized passenger a chance to walk and play at rest stops. Encourage him to stretch his legs and burn off some energy with a toy ball (where it’s safe to play) or a quick game of follow-the-leader.

Map your route

Speaking of stopping, figure out where along your drive you'll pull over for meals and snacks, playtime, bathroom breaks and overnight rest. It'll take a little extra planning up front, but it's worth it to avoid having to drive an extra hour to the nearest motel.

Bring out the entertainment big guns

Your sweetie might be content to gaze out the window at the scenery for a little while. But at some point she'll likely get antsy, and when she does, you'll want to be prepared with toys and activities — lots of them.  

Playthings that she can easily manipulate herself and that will hold her attention for long stretches are preferred. %hink finger and hand puppets, crayons, toddler books and miniature music-making toys (if the noise won't drive you crazy). Consider borrowing some items from parent friends, if you can. Unfamiliar toys will keep your tot occupied for longer than the stuff she's used to playing with.

Also, a pro tip: Avoid anything with small pieces that could easily fall under the seat, lest you enjoy pulling over to scrounge for individual Lego bricks or doll shoes. 

But don't hand everything over at once

Give your child one toy, activity or snack at a time, to eke out as much entertainment from each item as possible before moving onto the next item. You don't want to blow through your entire stash within half an hour. 

Alternate drivers, if possible

If you’re traveling with another caregiver, take turns being in the backseat with your toddler. Alternating who’s at the wheel won’t just keep things interesting for the grown-ups; it’ll also make the trip more exciting for your toddler who will get a kick out of the change in playmates.

Prepare for queasiness

If you sense that your sweetie is starting to feel nauseous, crack the windows and encourage her to look out the window instead of focusing on her toys or books. If that doesn't help, try to pull over so she can get out, stretch her legs and have a bland snack (like crackers).

Keep in mind, though, that sometimes your toddler won't be able to give you much (or any) advance warning that motion sickness is about to strike. Pack a large resealable plastic bag for her to use, if you're lucky enough to get a heads up, plus a spare change of clothes (for both of you), wipes and air freshener to tackle any messes.  

Expect some stress

Sitting in the car for long stretches is tough for most tots, so go into the drive assuming that whining and meltdowns will probably happen. And who knows? When you keep your expectations low, you might find that the trip was a little easier than you anticipated. 

Road trip essentials for toddlers

Ideally, you'll want to pack all of your gear for the drive in a separate, easy-to-access bag or compartment. (Rifling through the suitcase at the very bottom of the trunk is the last thing you want!)

This toddler travel checklist might look a little long, but hey: No toddler parents have ever lamented that they packed too many toys or snacks for the car. And since you don't have to worry about dealing with checked bags or carry-ons, there's really no downside in being over-prepared.  

Personal care items

  • Diapers
  • Wipes
  • Changing pad, if needed
  • Hand sanitizer
  • First aid kit


  • Small toys
  • Books
  • Mess-free art supplies like a mini whiteboard or crayons and paper

Toddler comforts

  • Pillow and blanket
  • Lovey or a favorite stuffed animal, if your child needs one to sleep


  • Individually packed snacks
  • Water
  • Spare change of toddler clothes
  • Spare change of adult clothes
  • Disposable bags for garbage or motion sickness

Best snacks for a road trip with a toddler

No need to get fancy or elaborate here: The best toddler car snacks are simple, wholesome and easy to eat. Pack healthy snacks individually so you can dole them out one at a time, and plan to offer food when you stop rather than while you're actually on the road. Eating while driving could pose a choking hazard to your toddler. Here are some ideas for your cooler:

  • Whole grain pretzels, crackers or rice cakes with peanut or almond butter 
  • Turkey-and-cheese roll-ups
  • Apple slices with peanut or almond butter
  • String cheese
  • Crinkle cut carrot "chips" with hummus
  • Mini whole wheat bagel with cream cheese
  • Graham crackers and milk box
  • Half of a turkey or PB&J sandwich on whole grain bread
  • Drinkable yogurt
  • Bananas
  • Unsweetened applesauce
  • Bite-sized, freeze-dried fruit

Toddler road trip activities

Simple travel activities can keep your tot entertained when she's tired of playing solo. Keep a list of ideas handy so you've got plenty of go-tos, like:

  • Sing-along: Belt out your cutie's favorite tunes, or better yet, make a playlist ahead of time.
  • I spy with my little eye: Make index cards with drawings or photos of various objects that your toddler can look for on the road, like a big truck, a tall building or a cow. Hand her one card at a time and ask her to find the object pictured.
  • Write and erase: Give your toddler a mini whiteboard and some dry erase markers for scribbling sans paper. If she needs some inspiration, get her started by drawing a squiggle or shape and having her finish the rest.
  • Read-aloud: Read your toddler's favorite books in your most dramatic or silly voice, or download some age-appropriate audio books you all can listen to.
  • Copycat: Invite your toddler to mimic funny movements, like blowing a kiss or scratching your head.
  • Freeze dance: It's just like at home, except everyone has to dance (and stop!) while staying in their seats.

Long car trips with toddlers can certainly be taxing, and reaching your destination will likely take longer. But with a little advanced planning (and plenty of breaks!), you can navigate the inevitable speed bumps and reach your destination with a happy passenger.