Even if you’ve been on an airplane countless times before, flying with a baby or toddler might feel like foreign territory. Suddenly you’re faced with a list of questions longer than the number of delayed flights on the arrival board. The first one being: Should you bring your child's car seat on the plane?

Believe it or not, there’s no official yes-or-no policy here, although leading experts recommend bringing your child's car seat with you for the safest possible trip. However, not all car seats are certified for use in airplanes, and airlines may have different policies. Here’s what you need to know about flying with a car seat, plus how to figure out what’s right for your family. 

Can you bring your child’s car seat on an airplane?

Not only can you bring your child’s car seat on the plane, it's strongly encouraged that you do so. Both the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recommend that all babies and young children travel in an FAA-approved car seat or airplane harness device. Both should be installed using the airplane’s seatbelt, and car seats should be used without the base. 

If you’re unsure about successfully installing the seat without the base on the plane, read the manufacturer instructions and practice at home in the car until you feel more confident. Once on the plane, you can also flag down a flight attendant for help if you run into trouble.

A car seat or harness gives your baby or toddler the best protection against turbulence, the AAP and FAA say.

Flying with a car seat vs. holding your infant on your lap

Most airlines don’t require you to buy a ticket for babies under 2. But if your baby or younger toddler isn’t sitting in her own seat (in her car seat), she’ll have to sit on your lap.

Holding a small child for the duration of a flight might not sound so difficult, especially when you factor in the cost savings of not buying her a seat. But putting her in her car seat is a lot safer.

There’s also the convenience factor to consider. Even if you hold your baby for part of the flight or walk her up and down the aisles, it’s nice to be able to put her in the car seat for a break. (Though the airline might try to keep the seat next to you empty if you notify them you’ll have a baby on your lap, it’s far from guaranteed.)

If you’re worried that your baby will balk at being restrained, you’re not alone. Practically every parent who’s flown with an infant has had that fear. But your baby just might surprise you. And if she’s not being held, she might be less likely to look to you to keep her entertained.

What to consider when flying with a car seat

On the fence about bringing the car seat? Here are some things to think about that could help you make your decision. 

Your child’s height and weight

You can choose to keep your baby or toddler in your lap if she’s under 2. But children 2 and older have to sit in their own seats. In that case, both the FAA and AAP strongly recommend using a car seat or approved harness (booster seats aren’t allowed).

If you opt to use a car seat or harness, make sure it’s appropriate for your child’s weight and size.

  • Rear-facing car seats (either an infant or convertible model, depending on your child's height and weight) should be used for babies and toddlers who have not hit the maximum height or weight limit for their seat. Keep in mind that many children will reach the maximum height before they do the maximum weight. 
  • Forward-facing car seats should be used for children who have met the maximum height or weight (whichever comes first) for the rear-facing position on their convertible car seat.
  • Airplane harness devices can be used for toddlers and children weighing between 22 and 44 pounds. (Only one type, the CARES Child Safety Device, is approved by the FAA.) 

The airline’s policies

Airlines have different rules when it comes to flying with kids, so it’s worth checking before buying your tickets. Some things to look into: 

  • Does your under-2 child need her own seat? The answer is almost always no, but it never hurts to double check. If you’re flying internationally, even if your baby sits in your lap, you may still need to pay a portion of the ticket price.
  • How many lap children can an adult have? Usually it’s one lap child per adult. So if you’re flying solo with two babies, one may need to be in a car seat. 
  • Do you have to notify the airline about a lap child? Even if you’re not buying a ticket for your baby, you may still need to let the airline know she’ll be on board.
  • Are car seats not allowed in certain spots? Airlines generally prefer to put car seats in window seats, though it’s not necessarily a must. (They’re less convenient for you if you need to walk your baby or child around, but they may be safer, since there’s less risk of your child getting hit by falling items from the overhead, being bumped by the beverage cart or having liquid from the beverage cart spill on her.) But aisle seats, emergency exit rows and seats in first class may be off-limits. Information about an airline’s child passenger policies are usually easy to find on the airline’s website. But if you can’t find an answer to your question, give the airline a call. It’s always worth it to avoid a surprise when you get to the gate.

The type of car seat you have

Not every car seat can be used on an airplane. To check that yours fits the bill, look for “This restraint is certified for use in motor vehicles and aircraft” on the label or check the manufacturer’s website. Keep in mind that booster seats aren’t allowed on airplanes.

Whether you’re traveling by car at your destination

If you’re doing any car travel once you get to your destination, you’ll need a car seat anyway. In that case, it might make sense to just bring the seat on the pane. 

Can you check a car seat?

Most airlines don’t count car seats, booster seats or strollers as luggage. So if you’re taking any of them on your trip but don’t plan on using the car seat on the plane, bring them right up to the gate to have it checked there. You shouldn't have to pay, and the seat or stroller is less likely to get damaged en route to your destination. 

Ultimately, your baby or toddler doesn’t have to ride in a car seat when you fly. But it’s safer, and despite the perceived hassle of lugging a car seat through the airport, it might actually make your journey a little easier. Just be sure to check the airline’s policies before making your decision and buying your ticket so you know what to expect when it's time to board.