"I've always had very small breasts. Now I'm 4 months along and my breasts have yet to grow. Is this normal? I keep reading about how my breasts should be huge by now. Will they ever grow? And if they don't, will I be able to breastfeed?"
For most (but certainly not all) women, pregnancy acts like a surgery-free breast enhancement. In just the first few months, some women may find their breasts swelling a cup size or more, and sometimes the largeness lingers long after the baby is born. Breasts may also be more tender or even painful, especially during early pregnancy.
Pregnancy hormones, chiefly estrogen and progesterone, are to thank for this growth. They work to pack on extra fatty tissue, increase blood flow and trigger other changes to your chest in preparation for you feeding your baby.
Not every expectant mom, however, experiences big breast changes early in the game. Experts aren't entirely sure why, but it may have to do with the amount of hormones affecting the breasts. (An old wives' tale says that breasts that don't grow a lot during pregnancy are a sign that you're having a boy! A tall tale indeed...)
Of course, at the 4-month mark, you still have plenty of time to grow. And if you don't notice changes before your baby is born, you're sure to a few days after, when your milk comes in.
As for your future breastfeeding abilities, this is one case where size really doesn't matter. Even if your bust stays small throughout your pregnancy (and even postpartum, after your milk comes in), you'll almost certainly be able to meet the needs of your hungry baby.
Feel free to discuss your breastfeeding concerns with your practitioner. And rest assured that women with smaller breasts can still breastfeed successfully.
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