By far your little one’s favorite toy right now is you! No bells or whistles, no flashy features, no gimmicks or gadgets necessary — just your voice, your face, your loving arms, and your tender touch. So playing with your baby is pretty simple at this age — in fact, you’re probably already doing a great job of it without even trying. Here are some simple ways to play with your three-month old:

Take it outside. A walk around town — or even around the yard — is super stimulating for your little one and endless fun. After all, what’s old news to you is brand new and fascinating to him. Point out the sights and sounds you take in together — birds flying, dogs barking, cars tooting their horns. Will he understand your guided tour? No, not yet. Will he enjoy it? Absolutely.

Bring out simple toys. Toy with him — but keep it simple. Now’s the perfect time to break out a floor gym so he can practice his kicks and reaches while you cheer him on. Show him how to shake a two-handed rattle or swat at an activity board — and then let him at ‘em.

Tickle baby’s sense of touch. Babies love exploring the world through their sense of touch, so give him lots of textures to discover. Hold his fingers to clothes made out of different materials — terry cloth, corduroy, velvet, faux fur — or brush a plush toy against his cheek. You’ll be tickled by that toothless smile.

Sing songs. Cultivate the classics — from Old McDonald to Bingo — and customize them for your cutie by incorporating his name. Up the interest ante by singing high and low, adding funny faces, or blowing raspberries on his belly at the end of each chorus. Not getting an enthusiastic response from your littlest playmate? Chances are he’s just had enough for now. Wait until he’s happy and alert, and try your tricks again.