Between practicing old tricks like rolling over and mastering new ones like sitting up, your baby is busier than ever during the day. Which is why getting her share of daytime shut-eye is more important than ever. What should that share be?
Babies need two naps a day.
Though every baby's sleep needs are slightly different, one nap in the morning and one in the afternoon — each lasting about one-and-a-half to two hours — will be just enough to recharge your Energizer Bunny's batteries. And while it might seem counterintuitive, being better rested by day actually helps your sweetie sleep better at night — and who can argue with that!
Timing isn't everything when it comes to naps, but it's a whole lot. An overtired baby will have a tough time settling down for siestas, and one who's wide awake won't take the nap bait.
Watch for sleep cues.
So watch your cutie for snooze clues (like eye-rubbing or a clockwork case of the crankies) and intervene with a nap at the first sign of sleepiness. The more consistent you are with your nap interventions, the faster her internal clock will start running on schedule.
Go out for naptime.
Are cat naps your little kitten's MO? Plan outings after naps so she's less likely to nod off in the stroller or carseat. At home, stretch out those sleeps by filling her tummy, emptying her diaper, and relaxing her with low lights, soft music, and maybe a little massage before she drifts off to dreamland.