Pint-sized passengers seem to be pros at falling asleep in the car. But those on-the-go naps — while relaxing for you! — aren't your baby’s safest route to Snoozetown.

While a few minutes of R&R on the road isn’t a big deal, you shouldn’t let your sweet pea sleep in the car for long stretches or use her seat as a dedicated sleep device.

Is it ever safe for a baby to sleep in a car seat?

The safest place for your baby to sleep is on a firm, flat surface — such as her crib, bassinet, portable crib or playard. Your baby should always be put to sleep on her back (never her tummy) without anything else in the crib or bassinet — no blankets, pillows, stuffed animals or bumpers, recommends the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

These practices are the best way to reduce the chances for sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDS.  

Products that place your baby in an inclined position like swings, bouncers, seats or even strollers aren’t safe spaces for your baby to sleep, especially for long stretches. Sleeping while sitting upright (or semi-upright) can cause a baby to slump down, and end up in a chin-to-chest position, potentially causing suffocation.

If your baby falls asleep in the car on the way home from the grocery store or park, there’s no need to panic. As long as the trip is short and you or another rider has an eye on your little dreamer, you can head on to your destination without waking her.

That said, you should move her to her crib or bassinet as soon as you can, recommends the AAP. (Easier said than done, we know!) While she’s dozing on the drive, keep a close eye to make sure she doesn’t slump into a chin-to-chest position and that her nose or mouth don’t become covered. 

Even though the peace and quiet of an unexpected car nap might be tempting, don’t let your baby snooze in her car seat for longer than necessary. And never put your baby in her car seat for the purpose of going to sleep.

As for long car rides? There aren’t any expert guidelines for how long is too long for your baby to sleep in her seat. But if you plan to be on the road for a longer trip, it’s a good idea to pull over every two hours so your baby can stretch her legs. Ideally, you should plan to do longer trips with another adult whenever possible so one person can supervise the baby while the other focuses on the road.

How to make sure your child is safe in their car seat

Keeping the snoozing to a minimum isn’t the only thing you can do to ensure your baby’s ride is as safe as possible. Some more tips to keep in mind: 

  • Make sure your seat is installed correctly. Follow the manufacturer instructions to make sure the seat is installed tightly, either with the LATCH system or a locked seat belt. A Certified Passenger Safety Technician (CPST) can help you install the seat correctly — or just act as a second pair of eyes to see that everything is secure.
  • Put the car seat in the back and keep it rear-facing as long as possible. Your child’s car seat should always be installed in the back seat of the car, never in the front. And she should stay in the rear-facing position for as long as possible — until she reaches the maximum height or weight as listed by the car seat manufacturer, according to the AAP.
  • Make sure the seat meets all safety requirements. All seats on the market today are required to meet basic safety standards. So if you’re buying new, just make sure to check key information like the car seat’s expiration date (located on the seat itself) and to hold on to the manufacturer instructions. If your car seat was previously used (even by an older sibling), look for the expiration date to confirm it's still safe to use, check whether it’s been recalled (you can find recalls listed at and examine the seat thoroughly for any cracks or missing parts. If you don’t know the history of a used seat, don’t use it. Car seats that have been involved in a crash should not be reused. 
  • Take breaks on long trips. On long trips, pull over every two hours so your baby can stretch her legs, feed and have a diaper change.
  • Don’t offer food or drinks. Both can pose choking hazards. Save the snacks and sips for when you get home or serve them on a stretch break during longer trips.
  • Don't use the car seat outside of the car. Car seats shouldn’t be used as a space for naps or sleep, or as a seat or carrier when you’re not on the road. Resist the urge to put your baby’s car seat in the shopping cart when at the store too, since it can potentially cause the cart to tip over. Put your baby in a sling, carrier or stroller instead, the AAP recommends.
  • Avoid using aftermarket car seat accessories. Headrests, support inserts, shoulder pads, harness covers, seat belt adjusters and other accessories sold separately from your car seat by a third-party manufacturer haven’t been tested for safety — and in fact, they could make your child’s seat less safe. Keep them out of the car, recommends the AAP. If your baby seems to slouch in her seat, you may be able to put a tightly rolled receiving blanket on either side of her or place a tightly rolled diaper or cloth between your child and the crotch strap, the AAP says. But always check the manufacturer instructions to confirm first that it’s safe to do so for your specific seat.
  • Don’t put your baby in bulky clothes. Stick with light, thin layers and drape a blanket or coat over your child’s buckled harness straps if she needs more warmth. Bulky coats, snowsuits or heavy layers can compress in a crash, causing the seat straps to become loose and putting your child at risk for injury.