Here's the funny thing about babies in the womb: They like to move when their moms are lying down. That's because when you're up and around all day, your baby-to-be is likely lulled to sleep by the movement. You're also less likely to notice her kicks and jabs when you're busy and preoccupied.
But at night, when you slow down, your baby wakes up and is ready to roll (and punch, and kick and squirm) — not great for a good night's sleep for you, but completely normal.
As far as mixing up day and night, it's always pretty dark in your uterus (or at least varying degrees of darkness), so it's too soon to worry about that. If it turns out to be the scenario after your baby is born — which is also, unfortunately, completely normal! — you can figure out how to remedy the situation when the time comes. And you'll find plenty of help in What to Expect First Year!
Here's to a good night's sleep,
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