"I recently had an ultrasound at 20 weeks and was told that I have an anterior placenta. What does that mean?"
If your practitioner tells you that you have an anterior placenta, this just means that your baby is taking a backseat to the placenta, the pancake-shaped organ that develops in the uterus during pregnancy.
While having an anterior placenta might come with some minor inconveniences, the good news is that it shouldn't pose any risk to your health.
What is an anterior placenta?
The placenta is formed with the sole purpose of supporting your pregnancy. This incredible organ acts as the lifeline between your baby and your own blood supply, enabling your baby eat and breathe.
The term "anterior placenta" simply refers to the location of the placenta within your uterus. In medical terms, “anterior” means the front of your body and “posterior” means towards your back. So if you have an anterior placenta, this means the organ is attached in the front of your bump (instead of at the back closer to your spine, where a posterior placenta is located).
Your practitioner might inform you of the location of your placenta during one of your pregnancy ultrasounds. But rest assured that both anterior and posterior placentas are completely normal during pregnancy.
How can an anterior placenta affect your pregnancy?
Does the location of your placenta make any difference? Not to your baby, who doesn't care which side of the uterus she is lying on.
But what about to you — or your practitioner? If you have an anterior placenta, you might experience the following:
- You might be less able to feel your baby's early kicks and punches because the placenta will serve as a cushion between your baby and your tummy. As your pregnancy progresses and your baby grows, an anterior placenta won't muffle these sensations as much, and you should be able to feel your baby's movements more easily.
- For the same reason, your doctor or midwife may find it a bit harder to hear fetal heart sounds.
- An anterior placenta could make amniocentesis slightly more challenging.
Despite these slight inconveniences, an anterior placenta in and of itself poses no risk to your health.
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However, if you experience vaginal bleeding, severe abdominal or back pain, or rapid uterine contractions, call your practitioner, as these symptoms could indicate potential placental problems.