When a toddler’s coming along on a trip, you want to get to your destination fast — and traveling by train or car may not be quick enough for you. 

Enter air travel. 

Though you may have once dreaded sitting near little kids on planes, flying with a toddler doesn’t have to be a nightmare for everyone on board — including you. Here are some tips on how to make toddler air travel more tolerable.

Time your flight plans wisely

An off-peak trip provides perks like shorter security lines and less crowded terminals. It may also mean your flight will have fewer passengers for your tot to (potentially) annoy with his antics.  

When possible, try to schedule long stretches of travel around your child’s nap. While flight delays can foil even the best-laid plans for flying with a toddler, if your tot can get even a short nap in the air, it will be a wonderful reprieve.

Book a nonstop flight when you can

Taking a nonstop flight means you only go through the process of waiting around the airport, boarding, taking off and landing once — which can be valuable when traveling with little kids. The novelty of it can be a fun way to keep them entertained and occupied the first time around, but having to go through it again with a layover can get old fast.

If you do have to book a connecting flight when traveling with a toddler, try not to squander a nap during a layover — that’s the perfect time to let your little one get the wiggles out. If your gate is crowded while you’re waiting for your next flight, find a deserted spot and let your toddler run in circles, make noise and relish his freedom for as long as he can (better to get it out of his system on the ground than when you’re in a confined space at 30,000 feet).

Choose your seats carefully

As eager as your tot may be to traipse up and down the aisles, go to the potty a zillion times or ask for yet another item from the overhead bin, it's safer for your little one to be in a window seat. In an aisle seat, he may get his arms and legs caught or bumped by passing carts, or hot liquids spilled on him. An added bonus? He'll have something to look at during the flight.

While tots under 2 typically fly free on your lap on domestic flights, you may still want to consider booking your child his own seat. That way you can bring along your car seat or another child restraint system (CRS) to keep him safe and secure on board the plane. And if flying with your toddler takes up an entire row, you can have both the window and the aisle seats to yourselves.

Before toting the car seat through the airport, make sure it, and any other restraint system, is government-approved and has the words, "This restraint is certified for use in motor vehicles and aircraft" printed on it. Otherwise, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) says you may be asked to check the CRS as baggage.

Get to the airport early

It will give you plenty of time to park if you're driving to the airport and make your way to the terminal, check into your flight, check any baggage and get through security with your tot and carry-ons in tow.

It also gives your little one ample time to watch planes take off and do laps around the terminal to get his energy out before he's confined to his seat on the plane.

Plan for the security line

You’ll probably want to bring a stroller to push your toddler around in when you’re in the airport. A light umbrella stroller is your best friend when going through security — it’s easy to fold up at the last second and plop on the X-ray’s conveyer belt.

Ask your airline ahead of time what the policy with strollers is — you may be able to check it at the curb, ticket counter or gate, or take it right down the jetway and leave it at the plane’s door before you board. If that's the case, it will be waiting for you just outside the door of the plane when you land.

Slip-on shoes (for you and your toddler) also come in handy at the security checkpoint. And don’t worry about holding up the line when traveling with kids — take your time, collect your wits and try to make a game out of the whole thing for your toddler (“What else belongs in the bin? Mommy’s keys? Mommy’s purse?”).

Think twice before boarding early

One of the only advantages of traveling with young children by plane is the fact that you're allowed to board first, thereby snagging much-needed overhead-bin space. But early boarding can be a mixed blessing, since it results in an extra half hour (give or take) on the plane — probably not something you want to endure voluntarily with a wiggly toddler.

If possible (you can ask the gate attendant at the desk), divide and conquer: Send your partner or traveling companion if you have one ahead with the gear so you can board at the last minute with your child.

Consider the flight attendants your allies

If you’re alone, don’t be shy about asking the flight crew for help with your toddler while you're in the air. It can be nearly impossible to lift a bag and put it in the overhead bin while holding a child. So ask a flight attendant (or fellow passenger) to pitch in — they should be happy to comply.

While you’re at it, consider asking for extra pillows, blankets or water if needed.

Pack plenty of toys and snacks to keep your toddler occupied

As with traveling with kids by car, bring as much food and as many toys as you can fit into your carry-on luggage for air travel with your toddler. Don’t count on being served any meals in the air since many airlines no longer offer food (or if they do, it can be at a hefty price). Even if your flight isn’t scheduled to be in the air during a mealtime, plan ahead for delays, and bring portable meals anyway (such as mini sandwiches, cut-up vegetables and string cheese).

As for toys, plan to splurge on or borrow as many unfamiliar options as possible to keep your kiddo amused longer than they they would be by the toys they play with at home. Don’t bring anything with small pieces that your child will miss when they fall under the seat (Polly Pockets, Legos, Matchbox cars …) unless you relish folding yourself into origami as you strain to retrieve them during the flight.

Get creative: Use the in-flight magazine for scavenger hunts (find a frog!). Need more entertainment ideas for once you’re up in the air? Find more fun travel activities for kids.

Pack extra supplies in your carry-on

Bring twice as many diapers as you could possibly need (if your tot’s still wearing them, that is), endless wipes and hand sanitizer, at least one change of clothing for your child and an extra T-shirt for you in case of spills. Take a look at this checklist of plane-friendly baby products to see what else you should bring.

Ease ear pain

Bring lollipops for takeoff and landing (or a sippy cup or a cup with a straw — you can buy the drink and pour it into the cup after you get through security). The sucking will help prevent your child’s little ears from hurting due to the air-pressure changes in the cabin during those times.

Also helpful in keeping ears clear — crunchy snacks that require a lot of chewing. Or encourage your toddler to yawn by yawning yourself (ever notice how yawns are contagious?). This may help “pop” his ears if they get blocked on the way up or down.

Childproof your bags

Keep anything potentially dangerous (and eye-catching) safely sealed and away from your child. Make sure your medicines (including one-a-day pill containers) are safely out of reach of your child when you travel, but know that it's not necessary to present the medication to security unless it is in liquid form.

Also be sure that any pills you're taking in sealable baggies stay in their original childproofed bottles and those baggies are snapped or fastened shut tightly. Pack them in your zipped carry-on luggage (if you need emergency access) or stow them in your checked suitcase.

It’s normal to stress about a plane ride with a toddler. Try to keep your expectations low and your patience high.

Keep in mind that traveling to and from your destination is a small portion of your trip. Soon enough, you’ll be spending time together as a family making memories, and it’ll all be worth it.