A support pillow to keep your infant’s head steady in the car seat or a harness cover that claims to make your toddler’s car seat straps more comfortable might seem like a good idea when you’re trying to drive from point A to point B. The only problem? In most cases these car seat gadgets and others like them aren’t actually safe to use.

If this takes you by complete surprise, you’re not alone. After all, it seems like almost every parent has some doodad or other attached to their child’s car seat. And the products are almost as easy to find as diapers or wipes.

Still, experts warn that you’re better off steering clear. Here’s what’s off-limits and why these aftermarket car seat accessories can be so risky. 

What are aftermarket car seat accessories?

Aftermarket car seat accessories are products sold for use with a car seat that are made by a third-party manufacturer and are not part of a car seat system’s original packaging.

Typically billed as accessories that can make your child’s ride more comfortable or even safer, after-market car seat accessories might include things like:

  • Seat belt adjusters or extenders
  • Headrests or footrests 
  • Infant support inserts or pillows
  • Shoulder pads or harness covers
  • Seat protector covers
  • Weather protector covers
  • Mirrors or toys that attach to a car seat

Like other baby and toddler accessories, aftermarket car seat products are widely available. You can find them at big box stores and online. 

What makes aftermarket car seat accessories so unsafe?

Some aftermarket car seat accessories can seem like a great idea, especially if your child isn’t a big fan of riding in the car. The problem is, they aren’t regulated and they haven’t been tested for safety  so there’s no way to know how they’ll perform with your child’s car seat. 

Car seat systems have been designed to deliver maximum protection in the event of a crash when they’re installed and used according to the manufacturer’s instructions.[1]

But making even a minor change, like adding an accessory to the seat, could affect the way the seat performs. For example, putting a cover over a harness could cause gaps or spacing or push the chest clip out of its optimal position, increasing the chance of injury.

Are any car seat accessories safe to use?

It’s important to avoid any car seat accessories that were not included as part of your seat’s original packaging. There’s simply not enough information to know how these products might affect your child’s seat in the event of a crash.[2] 

The one exception? Accessories that were made specifically by the manufacturer of your car seat and are listed as safe to use with your child’s specific seat. In that case, the accessory was tested with your little one's car seat and shown to be safe and effective.

If you’re dealing with a car-seat-related issue, ask your child’s pediatrician or a certified Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST) for suggestions for a safe solution, or look at the car seat’s instructions.

As for toys to keep your cutie distracted so you don’t have to be? Most experts say you’re better off going without, but on the other hand, driving while trying to entertain a cranky baby or toddler isn’t safe either. If you're able to travel with someone else who can sit in the back seat with your baby or toddler, all the better.

But if that isn't possible and your child is crying or complaining to the point where it’s making it harder for you to focus on the road, your safest bet is to pull over to tend to your little one's needs. You can also bring a few small, non-choking-hazard plush toys, such as a stuffed animal or soft book, for your little one to play with as you drive. Do not attach toys or anything else to any part of the car seat while the car is in motion.