A tumble or fall during pregnancy can sometimes be chocked up to a case of clumsiness, thanks to loosening ligaments and joints plus that big ol’ belly throwing you off balance. Add to that a tendency to drift off into new-mama fantasyland on your afternoon walk — and just as dreams of tiny baby booties are dancing in your head, you miss the curb and fall smack on your baby bump. 

Stress not: While accidentally falling during pregnancy can certainly be annoying and even painful, it’s not at all unusual, and it’s rare that your baby will be harmed. The reason? Your body’s amazing uterus is lined with strong muscles, and it’s filled with amniotic fluid that can cushion most blows.

Still, because you’ll likely feel shaken up if you fall while pregnant, here’s more about what can happen if you do stumble and some ways to prevent it from occurring in the first place. 

What happens if you fall while pregnant?

Falls are common when you're pregnant, and chances are everything will be okay with both you and your baby. But be sure to talk to your practitioner to tell him or her about the spill and confirm that everything is fine.

If you've taken a more serious fall, you might suffer from sprains, broken bones or other issues, but your doctor will be able to give you a proper diagnosis and the right course of treatment if that's the case. 

It's also completely normal to worry about the baby or about falling again, but try not to stress too much. And if you can't seem to shake the anxiety or concern, be sure to chat with your OB/GYN or midwife about that too.

Could falling while pregnant hurt your baby?

While you may feel a little embarrassed and shaken up post-tumble, it’s unlikely that an accidental fall can hurt your baby. At every stage of pregnancy, your belly is meant to withstand some pretty tough circumstances in order to protect your baby.

For one, your little bundle is surrounded by shock-absorbing amniotic fluid and a muscular uterus, plus sturdy membranes and your abdominal cavity (which is made up of muscle and bones). It would take a severe accident for any blow to penetrate beyond all those protective layers and affect your baby. 

And if you’re worried that a fall can cause a miscarriage, try not to stress out. Falling hard on your bottom is unlikely to hurt the baby, though there is some risk of a placental abruption if there’s significant direct trauma to your abdomen in the second or third trimesters. In the first, the uterus is well-protected by your pelvis and often shielded from trauma.

Why accidental falls happen

There are a lot of reasons why pregnancy — particularly the third trimester — may trip you up. 

For one, your growing belly shifts your center of gravity forward, making it harder for you to stay upright, especially on uneven surfaces like a sidewalk curb. 

What’s more, the closer you get to delivery, the looser your joints become due to the pregnancy hormone relaxin. This hormone will be a good thing for you eventually, because it enables the joints and connective tissues in your pelvis and cervix to stretch during delivery — making it easier for you to push your baby out. But until then, your loose joints can also make you unstable on your feet (read: clumsy) and more likely to have an accidental fall. 

And don’t forget: You’re likely exhausted, uncomfortable, preoccupied and overwhelmed too (pregnancy will do that to you!) — all of which would put anyone at an increased risk for a stumble or two.

How to prevent falling while pregnant

By taking a few precautions and adopting new habits, you might be able to avoid falling while pregnant. Here are some smart tips to try:

  • Choose flats over heels. Flat shoes or sneakers are safer choices than tippy wedges or heels. But watch out for flip-flops, which are flat but can be unstable for walking.
  • Use the railings. It seems obvious, but make a habit of always holding the rail for extra support as you walk up and down stairs.
  • Go slowly. There’s no need to speed walk when you’re expecting! Instead, take your time as you move about the house or while doing errands.
  • Seek smooth pathways. Sidewalks are your best bet for walking rather than uneven surfaces like grass or bumpy trails in the woods.
  • Skip heavy loads. Don’t be a hero by carrying that huge laundry basket. Instead, share the work with family members.
  • Bike in place. If you love to cycle, stick to stationary wheels since your growing middle can challenge your balance, making it riskier to ride a standard bike.
  • Keep your energy up. Stash good-for-you snacks and a small water bottle in your purse or desk so you head off any dizziness caused by low blood sugar or thirst.
  • Remove tripping hazards. To prevent falls at home, remove loose throw rugs (or attach a no-slip pad underneath) and keep toys, books and magazines off the floor.

When to see your doctor

If you feel discomfort or prolonged pain, notice reduced fetal movement or experience any vaginal bleeding or contractions, call your practitioner right away. It’s especially important to be seen if you’ve experienced direct contact to the front or side of your abdomen. If the bleeding is inside the uterus but not coming out of the vagina, this may be a concealed abruption.

Depending on the injury, your doctor may order fetal heart rate monitoring or an ultrasound just to confirm everything looks okay in there. 

It’s always better to play it safe and get a doctor to weigh in on any situation that concerns you, especially if you feel rattled or worried. And if you’re confused about whether you need to be seen after a fall, that’s also a reason to call, at least for reassurance.

A fall during pregnancy can seem scary, but luckily your body is up to the task of protecting your growing baby. And with a few tweaks around the home and in your daily routine, you can help prevent tumbles down the road.